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Document Destruction

Due to the Sensitive and Confidential Nature of These Records, Simply Throwing them in the Dumpster is not an Option. The Records Must Be Destroyed.

Why Do You Need to Shred Your Critical Business Information?

Shredding helps protect your reputation by protecting your important company information as well as your customers’ confidential information. Shredding can reduce the costs of managing information that is no longer useful, pertinent or necessary to your business.  Shredding can help ensure compliance with federal, state, industry and credit card regulations for information destruction to help you avoid penalties, fines, or even legal action.

What to do if someone has stolen your classified business information? Last year more than 15.4 million people were the victims of online identity thefts!

Just join hands with India’s most rated document destruction company and keep your censorious and hypercritical corporate information from out of the reach of wicked eyes and sacrilegious crooks!

  • Reliable, cost-effective & customer-oriented shredding solutions. 
  • 100% safe and eco-friendly disposition of shredded documents.
  • Absolute accountability with a documented chain of custody.
  • Confidential Paper Shredding, just at your immediate demand. 
  • Lucrative package with on-demand & off-site shredding services.

Securus (SRM) is one of the most trusted Document Shredding Company in Delhi. Here, we are providing a wide range of secure paper shredding and document destruction services which will protect you from getting exploited, either by a potential data-breach and identity thefts or by an incident of cyber espionage and sabotage. 

We use state of art data wiping and document disposal equipment and shred your confidential business records into the remnants of unrecognizable particles.

As a prominent figure in the Indian document shredding industry, we do understand the significance of keeping your “secret-corporate-waste” such as critical business records and paper-based documents, out of the reach of unwanted hands. Keeping that in mind, we have come up with simple, hassle-free and cost-effective Paper Shredding Solutions which will help you to permanently destroy the entire reservoir of unnecessary commercial-data and classified business-information in a much more safe and secure manner.

Our Objective:

Today, we are living in a society where information is considered as precious as any other lucrative assets like gold or money. Be it a small, medium or large scale industry or any individual banker, each and every economic entity functioning in today’s information age must adapt and implement the skills and mechanisms that are required to organize and protect their entire storage of critical-corporate-data and business-sensitive information,  from getting lost, hacked or mishandled. 

The primary objective of our Secure Data Destruction is to deliver an amicable solution in this regard-a secure, reliable, and an irreversible solution that can protect your reputation from all sorts of identity theft, online burglars and cyber crooks who are always aiming to hack your individual or organizational monetary details for the purpose of scamming money. 

Just subscribe our paper devastation services and we will shred your critical corporate wastes into a thick-bundle of distorted papers so that they can not be recycled again or put back together into their previous form. By doing this we will certainly stop all the wrongdoers from gaining an access over your important official records, especially those which contain insensitive business information, documents related to secret commercial deals, project details, client’s list, stock details and monetary records.

Our Services:

At SECURUS, we are providing a wide variety of secure shredding services which will allow you to permanently destroy your confidential financial records and vital corporate data so that they can not be recovered, recycled and misused by any nefarious attempt of sabotage and online cyber-attacks. So don’t let your records become your liability. Say yes to our lucrative data destruction & data shredding services, listed as follows:

Off-Site Secure Shredding Services/ Bulk Shredding:

Off-site document destruction is an authentic, pragmatic and economical solution for bulk shredding purposes, often recommended for those who require ongoing and verified document destruction solutions and data wiping services for their large volume of sensitive business details. In short, if you have a large collection of accumulated papers and old records, which need to be shredded on an urgent basis, off-site paper shredding and records destruction services would be the most suitable solution for you.

So are you waiting for? Investing on one-time document shredding services or purchasing those costly shredding machines is nothing but foolishness. 

Save your precious time and wealth by subscribing to our tailored bulk shredding services. With it, you will be able to shatter the entire storage of redundant paper-based documents in a much more safe, secure and time-bound manner. 

•    Delivering Copper bottomed record & document destruction solutions.
•    Secure and environment-friendly disposition of shredded documents. 
•    Complete data annihilation with no possibility of recovery and retrieval. 
•    Rendering absolute accountability with a consistent chain of custody. 

On-Demand Data Annihilation Services:

Apart from offsite paper destruction services, we are also offering special purpose data annihilation services, precisely to meet the immediate demands on one time and as well as for recurring based shredding requirements. We are supported by a gigantic network of highly trained technicians and advanced paper shredding machines which assist us to provide an on-demand but confidential document shredding services that are tailored as per your individual needs and requirements. 

Here, at Securus, we treat your vital records with the highest degree of security and transparency, consider them as if they belong to us. By choosing our services you would finally be able to associate with a world-class record management system which is not only holistic in nature but also efficient, reliable, productive and transparent. Some of the major advantages of our on-demand paper destruction services are listed as follows.

  • Instantly obliterate your critical records, before it leaves your sight.
  • Time-bound document annihilation, at your immediate demand.
  • Accountability and transparency lies at the core of our work culture.
  • Permanent and on-demand data destruction to maintain compliance. 

 Want to Learn More About Document Destruction? Signup Free.

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